Buat anda yang belum tau, yang sudah Tau "tak perlu dibaca!!" Chating Yahoo! Messenger menggunakan lebih dari 1 ID...
Secara defaultnya membuka YM memang hanya dengan 1(satu) ID, bagaimana jika ingin membuka YM lebih dari 1 ID...? Ikuti langkah berikut:
1. Copy code di bawah ini lalu Paste di Notepad,
Save As dengan extensi file *.reg (contoh: PUO.reg (hi..hi nama politeknik saya)
3. Jika sudah double-klik fail PUO.reg (misalnya) - Ia akan keluar message box "Are you sure you want to add the information in... to to the registry" - pilih "Yes".
4. Selesai... Buka YM anda - login dan buka lagi-login lagi dengan ID lain........
kalau ada yang salah silap dari teknik nie..maafla ye...mesti best punya.
Khamis, 23 Oktober 2008
A few strategies I use to make my computer go faster.
Successfully speed up your computer and get rid of junk. Here's how:
1. Go to Start, Programs,Accessories,System tools and then Disk Cleanup.
It calculates how much space you can make on your computer.You can then delete unneeded files.
2. Empty recycle bin and deleteinternet files. Open MicrosoftiExplorer, and go to tools,internet options and then goto delete cookies and deletefiles. On Firefox, go to tools,clear private data, and press OK.
3. Run a Disk Defragmentation, and then go to Start, Programs, Accessories, System tools and then Disk Defragmenter. Have at least 15% of your hard drive clear.
4. Get a program such as Mcafee or Nod antivirus systems to scan for virus.
5. Get rid of unused programs/applications. Always use "uninstall" because deleting files doesn't always get rid of everything. You could also use add/remove programs.
1. Go to Start, Programs,Accessories,System tools and then Disk Cleanup.
It calculates how much space you can make on your computer.You can then delete unneeded files.
2. Empty recycle bin and deleteinternet files. Open MicrosoftiExplorer, and go to tools,internet options and then goto delete cookies and deletefiles. On Firefox, go to tools,clear private data, and press OK.
3. Run a Disk Defragmentation, and then go to Start, Programs, Accessories, System tools and then Disk Defragmenter. Have at least 15% of your hard drive clear.
4. Get a program such as Mcafee or Nod antivirus systems to scan for virus.
5. Get rid of unused programs/applications. Always use "uninstall" because deleting files doesn't always get rid of everything. You could also use add/remove programs.
How to make a Clean Bat File
Put this code in a blank notepad file, save as .cmd OR .bat
Code:@echo offdel /s /f /q c:\windows\temp\*.*rd /s /q c:\windows\tempmd c:\windows\tempdel /s /f /q C:\WINDOWS\Prefetchdel /s /f /q %temp%\*.*rd /s /q %temp%md %temp%deltree /y c:\windows\tempor~1deltree /y c:\windows\tempdeltree /y c:\windows\tmpdeltree /y c:\windows\ff*.tmpdeltree /y c:\windows\historydeltree /y c:\windows\cookiesdeltree /y c:\windows\recentdeltree /y c:\windows\spool\printersdel c:\WIN386.SWPcls
What this basically does is delete your history, temp folder, cookies, etc. Making Hacking games and other undetected.enjoy
Catatan (Atom)